2023 Motor Show Results

The weather was fine with the nights being the warmest we've had in a while and no rain - although the early fog and drizzle on Monday was a bit worrying but it dampened down the dust (well.....a little!)
The weekend kicked off with Local Band "The Dirt" who are a trio of Local Miners and we had a lot of great feedback on their entertainment. Thanks guys!
We tried something different this year and opened the Swap Sites a little earlier on Friday to allow setting up and I know when I had popped over during smoko on Friday the place was already a hive of activity. Thank you to Corin for taking care of the Swap Sites this year.
Many thanks to all of our entrants of whom there was 120 this year - a good increase on last year!
Out of that 120 we had 22 enter the Bill Henderson Observation Rally (I wonder how many marriages survived?) and 24 in the Go To Whoa. Out of those, more than half qualified for the Supreme Entrant Award which is great to see.
We had entrants from the usual suspects of Charters Towers and Townsville surrounds, Ayr & Home Hill, Mackay, Cairns, Richmond, Emerald, Mareeba, Ingham, Yungaburra and Rockhampton.
As always the Driving Events are eagerly anticipated with lots of locals keen to see the cars and bikes in both the Saturday and Sunday Supercruises. And the crowd watching the Go To Whoa were enthusiastic in cheering on their favourites.
Results this year have been the closest for a while!
- The top 4 of the Supreme Entrant results being within 9 points before People's Choice counting
- We had 2 entrants tie for first in the Observation Rally but on count back, the winner beat the runner-up by 2 minutes.
- 4 of the Go To Whoa Entrants had Best Times in the 5 seconds.
- This year 4 women participated in the Go To Whoa which is awesome to see
- We even had a young fella in a Landcruiser Ute participate which was something different and he did well for such big tyres (but not as big as "Tweety" the raised Yellow Ford Maverick Ute!)
This year Matt Gilkes from the Judging Team brought along Mick for a taste of judging our show and we thank both Mick and Matt for the always massive, but very smooth effort they put in to having the judging done as quickly as we can.
A reminder to entrants - bonnets up and windows down for maximum points to be achieved in your judging scores as interiors and engine bays also gain points to your overall score.
It was great to have Todd Martin back for what we didn't realise (sorry Todd!) was his 20th year as Ring Announcer and we really appreciate his knowledge and banter at the Presentations - especially when he points out the vehicle's he's announcing.
A Big Thank You to the businesses, clubs and vendors who feed & water (or coffee as it may be) participants, spectators and entrants alike.
To our ring displays - Townsville Collectables and Revival Signs & Pinstriping, GBS Tools to name a few (and my apologies to whom I have missed!) we hope you had a successful weekend and thank you for adding to the atmosphere of the event.
As always a huge shout-out to the cleaners. Those ladies do a great job with a smile on their faces year in year out - Thanks Jan & Nelly! and the Men's Shed for manning the front gates,
And last but by no means least are our Club Members, their partners and their families.
Each year it seems the numbers on the ground get less and less, but still we pull off this event. To the partners and kids of Club Members (I know my teenage daughter was a big help to me this weekend - thanks Sweetie!) who help out - we appreciate and recognise all of your efforts. We know that this is a HUGE ask for what ends up being WAY more than the 3-day event and without it, I believe that Charters Towers would feel it's loss.To the Executive who took on multiple jobs this year or even could only make it to the Working Bee weekend on the Sunday before the event - we thank you and salute you.
BUT WE NEED MORE HELP! If you enjoyed the weekend - and enjoy anything with an engine - contact the club or follow the Facebook Page for the meeting notices and come along. As we all know - many hands make light work - and everyone who volunteers to undertake even what may seem the smallest of jobs is an absolute legend.
Thank you once again to everyone who participated, helped or enjoyed a great weekend and we hope to see you all for the 45th Annual Motor Show & Swap Meet.
Here are the results you've been waiting for.